
The Girlband Score / The Girlgroup Score - Performance


October 2020, 20min
Collectif123 was born from the friendship between Yadin Akira Bernauer (not sure yet), Emma Bertuchoz (she/her), Giuliana Gjorgjevski (she/her) and Margot Ida Maria Vieli (she/her). Currently working mainly in performative and installation fields, collectif123 explore their friendship & their way of working, through body, movement, text and sound.
"we deal with our struggles, with our positions in society. we include personal processes of negotiation in our common artistic practice, not only because we actively decide to do so, but because our way of working allows only that - because we are four friends first and artists second."

The Girldband Score/ The Girlgroup Score est une exploration performative axée sur les dynamiques de groupe et une introspection de notre collectif123. Lors d'un séjour de recherche dans les Franches-Montagnes, nous sommes allées à la rencontre de troupeaux de vaches et chevaux, que nous avons observé et sur lesquel*les nous avons pris exemple. The sociological examination of being human and being an animal were translated into various movement scores, text scores, accompanied by the self-selected theme song "Always be my baby" by Mariah Carey.

20 min