

October 2021
Material & Technique
Silk-printed Balloons, Neonsign, Text

Pain and fun are intertwined and intermingle within the boundaries of our existence. They coexist, permeating every inch of the space we inhabit, vying for and threatening to burst at any moment. But over time, the once promising balloons gradually lose their fullness and strength. The fusion of pain and pleasure fades simultaneously until only emptiness remains.

The former store window is filled with a multitude of printed balloons, each divided 50:50 between "A BIT OF PAIN" and "A BIT OF FUN". During the month-long exhibition, these balloons undergo a transformation as they gradually shrink and dissolve in front of the viewer's eyes.

print on window:
fun, fun, fun - it might be fun - just for a wile - wait, wy does everything always happen at the same time? our minds are against us - we are looking out for someone to save or to be saved by - and what remains in the end? - we stay to maintain - too fast too soon - too slow too late - we move around all day - but can't move on - half dead from exhaustion - can't sleep - so much - too much- not enough - no hope - just go now - please - just leave - wait a minute - it begins to shrink - the pain wears off - just like the fun does

1 Monat