
Morphological Freedom

Material & Technique
Virtual Reality, Gravel

In digital times the relationships to our bodies change fundamentaly and technological advancement guarantees more and more morphological freedom, from transhumanist movements in the physical world such as the tattoo and piercingscene, beauty operations or medical treatments such as hormone replacement therapy or sex reassignment surgeries for transgender people, to almost complete morphological freedom in digital spaces, also those two will more and more start to meet and collaborate.

In the experience one travels through a barren landscape, a liminal space where the few actors seem to be merely empty shells. One does not have an appearance themselves inside of the experience but their feet keep in touch with the black sand which also covers the ground in the physical world where they stand. It seems the viewer could anytime access either one of the floating skins through the empty holes, where normally the eyes would sit, or one of the trees through the holes the wind carved into them

The soundtrack for the experience was created with Alexander Danuser