
Embracet Winter/Fall Edition


Seasons change. Originally in "Embracet" the performers were set into soil, beneath loving trees. It was always performed outside. Through time and different locations, site specific notions change. "Embracet" at Toxi is a different piece as it was. The summer was with love to soil-ground, in the wilds. Now they find themselves within neonlights and vehicle garbage. Dystopian furry fairy cosplay zootopia embracet. Still figuring out at the same struggles of gravital attraction.


Pictures: Laurent Bertuchoz

Performers: Emma Bertuchoz, Giuliana Gjorgjevski und Yadin Bernauer

Choreography and Concept: Emma Bertuchoz in co:work with Giuliana Gjorgjevski and Yadin Bernauer

Costumes: Sven Gex and Emma Bertuchoz

"Impossible Shoes" concept, design and making: Emma Bertuchoz