
Welcome to the MUD-dy World! - never alone, always many


Audio Walk

MUD translated into German means "Schlamm" or "nasse Erde". At the same time MUD is a shortcut for "Multi-User-Dungeon". Multi-User-Dungeons are text based online games, in which the players create fictive worlds.
Inspired by the two meanings, The MUD-dy World consists as well of a lot of different human and especially nonhuman players. The audio work Welcome to the MUD-dy World! navigates the visitors through the exhibition space and its garden and by that invites to meet the different players. The MUD-dy World seeks for alternative ways of connecting between humans and nonhumans and thereby composts the so called human autonomous individual.

"You are always we, even if you`re alone."

Photo Credits: Brigham Baker

20 min.