
Grüne Wiese

20 min

The “Grüne Wiese” is based on a need and a desire to manifest and give
birth to a different value system. It represents a space of possibilities. A
space in which the role and function of “mother” can be lived and conveyed
in a new way. It aims to further develop dealing with the current discussion
about body, identity, rights, obligations and consequences. Based
on a foundation of care questions it provides the space for process and
At the All Inclusive Festival, visitors are invited to lie down on the green
lawn with two hills and listen to the sounds, seemingly coming from different
places all over the exhibition space.
It is a 3-channel sound installation with three directional speakers hanging
above the “Grüne Wiese”, 15:26 min, played in a loop. The “Grüne Wiese”
is made with foam and fabric. The cotton fabric is dyed with different
greens and then pulled over the foam pieces.

Art becomes the survival strategy. Here is a place to
purge. The curtain of fragmentation and separation is
removed. Vomiting as the basic crack to expel what is
Power is invisible.
I use my mother tongue to express invisible things that
are unsaid, subtly unjust and hidden.
A core of knowledge has melted together while pushing
out an entire human being.
An absurdly powerful immersion of becoming

(Text from sound installation)