
Aline Iris Schüpbach


Aline is a conceptual artist who works with various media and strategies; in fine arts as well as in theater and cultural mediation. Her artistic work mainly manifests with or around text and language. It takes form as installation, text, performance, sculpture or drawing.

Aline enjoys working collectively and is part of the theatre collective Licht aus. Ende, as well as the textbased collective zucker3000 and the conceptual studio büro tag1.

Instagram: @alinmittte

Portfolio: hier


2021 - 2024 Bachelor of Arts in Kunst und Vermittlung, Hochschule Luzern DFK, Emmenbrücke LU

2020 - 2021 Propädeutikum Kunst und Design, Schule für Gestaltung Biel/Bienne, BE